Tuesday, October 15, 2013

[WEEK 7] Existing Collaborative Consumption Campaign

Global Sharing Day

Global Sharing Day helps to address the over-consumption and mass-consumerism of today's age by encouraging people to share, swap, borrow, barter and reuse their items, skills, tools, knowledge and time. 

“Waste becomes Resource” Campaign: Collaborative Consumption

How can we stop to produce so much rubbish and consume more products that are packaged in a sustainable way? There must be a way to solve these problem, which collaborative consumption could be one very powerful answer.

Anabada Campaign

Anabada Campaign encouraged actions ‘save, share, change, and reuse’ campaign - held in 1997 in order to overcome economic depression. The campaign started because people back then wanted to escape the IMF crises themselves. Collaborative consumption is also focusing on these four categories of the Anabada campaign. We can enjoy living with this wind with other people by sharing.

Let's Collaborate!

The Let’s Collaborate! launch event showcased a variety of local sharing economy organizations in New York and discussed whether New York is ripe for such a movement, what barriers exist (and how to overcome them), and insights into their different business models. 

"Swopping" Campaign

Shwopping encourages consumers to bring in unused items of clothing with them to an M&S store when they are making their next purchase, which will be donated to Oxfam. This initiative serves its purpose in raising awareness of wasteful habits and hopefully will lead to step changes in the way society reuses and recycles clothing.

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